What is Timber Framing
Timber framing is an age-old craft that relies on heavy timber members connected with mortise & tenon joinery to create the framework of a building. This construction technique has been used for centuries and is known for its durability and distinctive architectural style.
Timber framing has several advantages, including its strength and ability to support heavy loads, its aesthetic appeal with exposed timbers and joinery, and its sustainability, as it often utilizes locally sourced material.
While timber framing was more common in the past, it has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years, especially in the construction of custom homes and barns designed to have a rustic or traditional appearance. Modern timber frame construction combines traditional techniques with contemporary building methods to create energy efficient, long lasting buildings of heirloom quality.

Forest to Frame
The majority of our timbers are eastern white pine that are proudly harvested from Nova Scotia forests. We work with local sawyers who work directly with woodlot owners to source the best material for our frames.
This ‘forest to frame’ approach means there is less embodied energy in processing and transportation, and supports the local economy. Timber frame construction often requires less material and generates less waste when compared to conventional building methods. Any waste that is generated is non toxic and biodegradable, and used to heat our workshop during the colder months.
We build one frame at a time in our shop, carefully crafting and test fitting each joint using various modern and historic tools. Once the frame and your building site are ready we deliver the frame and assemble the bents in preparation for raising day. Historically raising day has been a community event, drawing folks from near and far. There is an undeniable magic on raising day and we continue to honour this tradition by encouraging client and community participation. By taking part in this experience you are creating a collective memory that is woven into the framework of your new building.

The Anatomy of a Timber Frame
Timber frames are made up of multiple ‘bents’, or gable cross sections of the frame, that are spaced on 8’ to 12’ centres, depending on the design, creating a ‘bay’ between each set of bents. A simple bent is two posts, a tie beam, opposing knee braces, and rafters. Bents are connected with top plates, wall girts, floor joists, and purlins.
The timbers within the frame are joined using variations of the mortise & tenon joint; an age-old technique for joining two pieces of wood that has been employed for over 7,000 years. Each joint is fastened with hardwood pegs and strategically crafted to withstand particular forces based on its location within the framework.

Ready to Build?
Dreaming big or small, hit the link below. We’d love to hear about your project.